Blue Health Activities – Ocean Empathy for ALL

Hey… Happy World Ocean Day…

Originally I designed this mini portal within my website for schools, inviting teachers and classes to enjoy World Ocean Day, I then realised that these activities are fun for ALL… So why not dive in to some simple resources for you to help everyone connect with Blue Mind.

Play the Blue Marble Game with your friends, family, stuas a global symbol of connection and gratitude.  Find out more and buy your Blue Marbles HERE.

Not sure what Blue Mind is?

Check out these links: Blue Mind and Blue Health

One of the ways that we learn to look after our environment is to learn to fall in love with it.  Think about it – when we truly appreciate the value of something the chances are we pay attention it and take action to protect it from harm.

The Ocean is our home and as such more than an “asset” or “free health resource”.  It is important we all fall in love with, and take care of our water system, since we are part of it and it is part of us.  Our ocean takes care of us every day – so let’s show it some kindness.

By connecting with water – you are improving cognitive, psychological, social, spiritual and emotional health… and this feeling of “wellness” reminds us to value and protect our blue spaces all the more #winwin.


Below you will find some simple free flow Blue Health activities to enhance your Blue Mind and those of your friends, family, students…. whoever your choose to share these with.