Ethos, Culture + Credibility
Why so much Water?
The more observant web browser will have noticed a distinctly ocean orientated theme here. As a Blue Health Coach I believe Going Coastal is an attitude anyone can choose to adopt – “a location of mind” which informs this consultancy and coaching practice, the training and development provision and NLP programmes.
“Blue Health” research is at the heart of my approach.
Going Coastal Coaching works with:
- People and Place– deep diving into the realms of self, others and the environment
- Childlike Curiosity and Creativity – questions without fear and judgement, which value humour
- Awe and Gratitude – the cornerstones for being present in the moment, lacking apathy
- Drive and Energy – essential for motivation towards action, recognising mind/body and wider system and engaging the embodied wisdom of heart head and gut.
- Courage without Certainty – the role of ambiguity in creating choice for productive outcomes
As a Blue Health Coach, my work favours bringing you into “blue space” (locations with water present), with the majority of this being coastal coaching and much of the training delivered in beach environments.
Essentially where possible I like to get you outdoors, specialising in proActive coaching and facilitation which involves accessing the wisdom of the environment and engaging the mind and body.
Going Coastal requires an open stance of fresh thinking which is expansive in exploration, a fluidity of thought with flexibility of behaviour, the courage to work with ambiguity, and an awareness of the connection of all aspects within our ecosystem.
I leverage “ambiguity literacy” and experience of a range of psychological fields to create clarity and wisdom from complexity.
Art and Science: Methods are much more than a walk on the beach!
Approaches build on the latest neuroscience research into “people and place” and the role that the outdoors plays (specifically where bodies of water are involved) upon our neuro-chemical and physiological responses. I am passionate about the impact of Blue Space upon mental and physical health and effectiveness and wish to promote an awareness of symbiosis rather than “proving the value” of blue spaces. Whilst spending time with water can help us live more enriched and fulfilled lives, we too have a responsibility to protect our wild water.
Blue Health Coaching is an active and real-time laboratory for our continued research and development within this field. I am awed daily at the positive leaps in performance that clients make through guided connecting with blue space.
Encouraging deeper exploration into your personal and professional wisdom is radically enhanced when working in and with “blue space” supported by a skilled professional Coach.
I balance space to create your own insight in addition to channeling your attention towards the important questions that you may not have considered in order to identify your most favourable options and tangible actions.
Ambiguity Leverage
Ultimately the success of any change intervention (whether business or personal change) lies with the client, coastal coaching will inspire and motivate you to take action on your insights.
I can work with ambiguity – in fact I love it – recognising when and where it might be useful to introduce some, versus those times where greater clarity might help. Control and certainty are very subjective, at best transient, at worst choice-limiting.
Coaches enter an environment and facilitate change, without developing co-dependency – the system remains self-reliant.
In reality we each require (and benefit from) far less certainty than we think we might and we continually shift our perception and behaviour moment to moment in order to even to give the impression of standing still. So it turns out you are already really adaptable and your potential is limitless. That said I enjoy the systemic nature of all things and can assist you in creating processes- where it adds value to add structure. My favoured navigation approaches incorporate a range of applied psychologies. Diving deeply into my MA research on “Ambiguity Leverage for Productive Outcomes” I’ve emerged with new and practical approaches to assist you in gaining clarity and impetus for action without reliance upon absolutes. I aim to take you further than “resilience” and into a domain where performance is tangibly enhanced through challenge, one where your decisions surpass “effective”, coming more from a place of “wisdom”.
Corporate Social Responsibility
1/3 of my professional capacity is donated pro bono for a number of charities and causes, this means that when you are working with me, you too are directly supporting the Ocean. I aim to carry out business with sustainability at the heart of all actions, and minimising environmental footprint.
Passionate About Local Social Enterprise
I have now worked with 100s of Social Enterprises in the role of action learning facilitator, coach and mentor with School for Social Entrepreneurs – Cornwall. Trail-blazers all… The tenacity of the individuals starting and building businesses in this sector is inspiring and educational. Check out their website and the amazing businesses they have supported through start up and scale up.
Professional – Why choose Going Coastal?
Ok I might seem like nice enough person and my heart is in the right place, but you may be asking what makes me qualified to assist you? The world of Positive Psychology, Coaching and Training is notoriously jargon rich, so below are some credentials which might inform you as to why you might like to choose to work with me and my associate team.
I love learning and I am passionate about professionalism within the industry of coaching and training, I therefore invest in regular CPD (continual professional development) and each undertake regular coach supervision.
I am committed to coaching and training in line with the codes of ethics of a number of professional organisations listed at the bottom of this page, whether personally delivering your coaching or training or providing you with an associate trainer, these standards are non-negotiable.
I am conscious of the value of professional ethical guidelines, external validation and feedback, so all Going Coastal courses are accredited by the Association for NLP (ANLP) and our Professional Coach Training Programmes are aligned to ICF Competencies. th eBlue Health Coach program is also accredited by ICF for CCEUs.
My background as an HR Learning and Development professional provides a deep awareness of the complexities of organisational development, multi-site leadership in addition to: project management, systems thinking and change management experience.
I have been professionally Coastal Coaching since January 2009, in this time I have spent years familiarising myself with Blue Health research and developing ways to practically apply this. I have a deeply integrated awareness of environmental psychology and work closely with natural blue spaces to facilitate insight.
Relevant Qualifications / Credentials
My qualifications can be found HERE.
More of a CV style outline of “work experience and results” and most up to date testimonials can be found on my Linked in profile… Feel free to connect via linked in too.
Memberships and Ethical Codes of Practice
I am committed to adhering to the following organisational standards…
A number of client testimonials can be found HERE in addition to those within my Linked In Profile – please feel free to connect.
Associate Credentials
All individuals subcontracted to work with Going Coastal Blue Projects and Development Programmes are fully qualified and adhere to the ethical codes listed.