October 10th, 2015
It is just NOT ME… its just not IN ME? Ok… So who IS the you that this is not? And if it is indeed the case that THIS is not you… Which version of YOU is this? How many times have you come across somebody who is absolutely passionate about a goal, but for…
September 17th, 2015
As a coastal coach the littoral zone (the seashore line between high tide and low tide) is simultaneously my workplace and a playground and so I have been reflecting upon some of the many insights it has to offer us as a metaphor for living wisely! First let’s consider our habitual activity when we go…
August 29th, 2015
Building Coherency Here is a short exercise based in mBraining for you to use during your morning or evening reflection time…. Oh you don’t currently take 5 – 10 mins to reflect per day? That is ok.. it is never too late to start. Not the “sort of person who meditates”? Well that is ok,…
July 24th, 2015
I’ve been to a few presentations which; on the surface appeared to be beautifully crafted and well formed. They had a beginning middle and end. The structure was pretty well refined no more than three points to take on board, some fancy visuals and some great statistics, the presenters were even really personable in their style……
July 24th, 2015
In business and in life we all want to thrive and to really bring our best to all situations… right? So why do we avoid offering or asking for feedback? Surely it is easier to make improvements from an informed position than to spend time scrabbling around in the dark? I know this is a…
July 15th, 2015
Love is: Love is… an attitude with relevance both at home and in work. Once we let our ego get out of our way it can be hugely beneficial to invest in some leadership development to find new ways to be even more effective than we already are and to ensure we demonstrate compassion for…