Blue Mind Book
The book Blue Mind was released in 2014 and it has continued to be a popular non fiction read, still topping various book charts from time to time.
If you are interested in connecting with wild water and fascinated to discover some of the science behind exactly why we are so drawn to water and what happens to our minds and bodies when we connect with blue space… Then this is the book for you!
Buy your copy of Blue Mind here… You can purchase a signed or unsigned copy… all options include blue marbles – to share and keep.
Signed Paperback (Blue Cover 2018 UK Edition)
£28.00 – 1 Blue Mind Paperback Book (Blue Cover 2018 UK edition) and 3 Blue Marbles with donation to BDMLR these paperbacks come with a bookplate in the front cover, signed by “J” (Dr Wallace J Nichols). A signed copy of Blue Mind provides a donation to British Divers Marine Life Rescue.
Unsigned Paperback (Blue Cover 2018 Edition)
£18.00 – 1 Blue Mind Unsigned Paperback Book (Blue Cover 2018 UK edition) and 3 Blue Marbles
2014 Large (C) Format Softback Original Cover Signed (three left)
£65.00 – 1 Blue Mind Original Artwork Softback large format (2014 UK edition) and 10 Blue Marbles, these books come with a bookplate in the front cover, signed by “J” (Dr Wallace J Nichols). A signed copy of Blue Mind provides a donation to Blue Mind causes.
1st Edition 2014 UK Hardback Signed (reserved)
£95.00 – 1 Blue Mind Original Artwork 1st Edition Hardback Book (2014 UK edition) and 10 Blue Marbles, these books come with a bookplate in the front cover, signed by “J” (Dr Wallace J Nichols). A signed copy of Blue Mind provides a donation to our Blue Mind causes.