
Thoughts, musings, ramblings and questions, please engage, debate and argue if you like - it makes life interesting!

What’s Your Water?

March 14th, 2024

As a Blue Health Coach and Blue Mind Advocate, my good friend Wallace J Nichols asked me in February to co-design a Blue Mind Toolkit…  and it has come together really well.  With many hours spent “nerding out” in front of a computer in writing mode and a google doc of already over 10,000 words…

Coastal Coaching Adventure

January 4th, 2024

Intention, Attention and Action Extreme Coastal Coaching is an individually tailored full day of personal and professional coherence development for those who are really ready to make significant life changes. Blending applied neuroscience, environmental psychology and philosophical debate; time and perception are two key discovery frames for the day. The shifting coast path locations punctuated…

Seas The Day – Become a Blue Health Coach

January 2nd, 2024

Blue Health Coach Training is creating waves within the ICF professional Coach community. The tide is turning…  Never before has there been such focus on making ecologically sound decisions… The health of our planet, social and psychological constructs is at stake, as Coaches we have work to do, and an invaluable resource in our wild…

Animal Action Awards IFAW

October 23rd, 2023

Ocean Advocacy / Activism (Marine Conservation and Animal Welfare)… and of course Blue Health. Last week I was lucky enough to be invited to London to attend an amazing event and to receive and Animal Action Award from the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) I am told they received over 470 nominations across 21…

Truth, Myth, Perspective and Fluidity

August 28th, 2023

Did you know? Goldfish have a memory far more than 2 seconds and more like a few months. Dinosaurs were not made extinct by an asteroid, they are all around you in the form of birds. The Earth isn’t flat, the tooth fairy is a mythical character… Oh and your head is not the sole…

7th Annual Blue Mind Award

July 21st, 2023

Passing Along The Big Blue Marble Blue Mind Award) Flashback to 2019 – We were super humbled when Julian and I were presented with the Blue Mind Award at Esalen for our ocean conservation activities, my work in the field of Blue Health and generally living a deep blue life championing all that is Blue…