mBIT Training in the USA

Are you in the USA?

Are you interested in becoming an mBIT Coach?  I have run mBIT Coach Courses in Berkley and Monterey and ran the first ever USA West Coach mBIT course back in 2017, leading the way for additional USA mBIT Training.

There followed a variety of US mBIT Courses in a variety of US locations hosted by myself and fellow mBIT Trainers.

That said – mBIT is still pretty new in the USA and those training now are certainly “early adopters” of (and trail-blazers for) this modality.  mBIT courses are open for all who have a role in assisting others to make “wise choices.”

To give you an idea of the diversity of Coaches, the first USA mBIT Coaches were from the fields of: Politics, HR, Judicial System, Corporate/Business, IT Consultancy, Education and Health/Nutrition – so as you can see mBIT has broad relevance!

Acting with Intention – Location Matters

I really don’t underestimate the impact of our learning environment upon our brains.  I have found a variety of retreat style locations with suitable energy and hosts with a Blue Mind ethos to create the learning space for my USA mBIT Programmes. Check out part of our learning and coach breakout space – perfect to practice your skills in a comfortable place.  This location is in walking distance to the beach at Asilomar a stunning place I have had the pleasure to visit twice before.

Embracing Neuro-Conservation

If you have explored this website further you will know that I am a Blue Health Coach, Blue Mind ambassador and ocean advocate and all my training is distinctly water inspired.

As you might imagine… these are truly unique mBIT programmes with a pro-planet emphasis and I deeply hope you can join us at a future event.

Register your enquiry using the contact fields at the base of this web-page and let’s arrange to Zoom Chat (if we have not previously done so) – the first step in booking your place on this programme.

I look forward to meeting you and introducing you to mBIT!

The Audio below offers some background to my mBIT journey as your Course Trainer and aims to clarify how and why this mBIT Training aligns with Blue Mind.  This audio was originally posted prior to our very first USA course and refers to that course, but I have left it published here as a personal intro… Duration Approx 10 min.


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