October 24th, 2016
Those who work with me will know that I love and I am passionate about the coastal environment that I am lucky to enough work within. I feel that we should protect what we love. This post is not about coaching, so some readers might question the relevance of posting it here… and yet… since…
September 2nd, 2016
I recently took up Free-diving in a more consistent and deliberate way. I thought it would be wise to gain some training to increase the amount of time I could spend exploring the underwater world. This article, as you might imagine, is not really about Free-diving – it is more a series of questions relating…
August 22nd, 2016
“Single Minded” or “single minded”? There is a difference! You may well have heard the phrase – “They are so single minded”… perhaps it has been directed towards you personally from time to time…. Yet what does this mean? Depending upon the tone it can be a good thing – for example… A) Somebody having…
August 11th, 2016
Did you know that intuition is something you can develop? Those who have already explored a variety of self-awareness and reflective practices will no doubt already have a sense that our ability to reach a balanced place of knowing is not something that solely sits in our heads… True insight is embodied. mBraining uses neuroscience…
July 29th, 2016
Unsure Is an absence of perceived certainty undermining your inquiry, intuition and conclusions? Recent times have certainly seen our social, business, political, environmental and economic
space continue to evolve with exponential pace! Our “decision landscape” is highly turbulent, adding both intricacy and opacity to our “sense of knowing.” In VUCA times like these (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex…
July 12th, 2016
Ever wondered what might you be missing? “Coming to our senses” is a description that often gets used when something extreme happens… and yet how would it be to more fully connect with our senses moment to moment? How much richer and more vibrant could the world be? Executive coaching uses a mix of practical…