100 Days of Blue 2023
20th May, 2023
So here we are… it is #100DaysofBlue
Welcome to 100 Days of Blue 2023. Turn your life and social media BLUE.
It is our 10th year leading and championing #100daysofblue and as part of #teambluemind we are again inviting you to get near, in, on, or under water to gain ALL the health benefits that time in blue space brings – particularly the Emotional ones!
This year once again our wider and growing #bluehealthcoach community are on hand to invite and encourage more and more people to get out into blue spaces.
Real or Virtual Blue
If you cannot get to wild water – even domestic blue spaces have restorative benefits (dancing under the garden sprinkler system for instance). For some connecting with art, music, film and poetry and more virtual blue experiences will be your way to get your Blue Mind on!
Wild Water Expands our Blue Mind
Of course if you CAN get to wild water please invite others to join you – perhaps those who normally do not connect as much as they could with their H2O. Let’s create a ripple effect!
Keep it Simple and Fun
What ever your Blue Mind time, we want to share your story. No need to over think it… As I’ve said – simply get near, in, on or under water – Below are some words relating to just some of the health benefits of time around water.
I and the blue health coach crew will provide additional phrases, activities and questions throughout the #100daysofblue on social media to prompt some reflection if that helps… but it really is super-simple…
Read J’s Book
Spending time with water will “make you happier healthier more connected and better at what you do”. If you haven’t yet read Blue Mind, discover some of the surprising science of blue space – take a look.
Buy two copies – one to read and one to pass on to somebody you love, and you can even buy copies of the book through this website, so check out the Ocean Inspired link.
Post images of your water-time via social media – I love seeing and hearing about how you are experiencing water – be it ocean, lakes, rivers, creeks, float spas and even the hot tub.
It is always a joy to see the social media pages of our friends turn blue around this time of year and this even includes those those we would not immediately describe as “water people”.
#bluemind #protectwhatyoulove
Tag us on Insta / Facebook
Please tag @Lizzi_L and @goingcoastalblue on Insta and Facebook so we can see and share what you are up to and so we can see how far the ripple effect travels, it is great to stay connected… and remember of course to hashtag #bluemind #goingcoastalblue
Create Curiosity
Who doesn’t love a new shirt? These are super environmentally friendly, they look super cool and will have people asking “what’s #100daysofblue”… offering an opportunity to invite more people to get their #bluemind on! Get your 100 Days of Blue Apparel HERE
Buy and Share Blue Marbles
Beyond the virtual world… Even more importantly – share experiences in real time / real space – eye to eye, face to face, heart to heart – inviting others to connect more deeply with water.
If you are in the UK or EU looking for Blue Marbles to share throughout #100daysofblue Going Coastal Blue can supply these for you through the Ocean Inspired shop.
Join us for #100daysofblue from Memorial Day through Labor Day
IT STARTS 29th May – Let’s ALL help create the new story of water!
Throwback to a chat with J about #100daysofblue
This video below is from mid Covid times – how lucky we are to now be able to get out and about – let’s make the most of it!
Support the Blue Mind Groundswell
The work of Wallace J Nichols is funded through Patreon. You can join for as little as a dollar a month and you gain access to LOADS of free resources. Join HERE
2023 100 days of blue INSTAGRAM VIDEO project
Get involved. I am again sharing crowdsourced videos of some of your 100 days of blue watery antics via Insta stories and reels. If you want to be involved, when sharing your videos via posts, stories or reels. (15 seconds long) simply:
- TAG @Lizzi_L
- HASHTAG #bluemind
Please film in portrait on your phone and aim to include “its 100 days of blue and I ma feeling….. ” (sharing an emotion you are feeling… but to be fair th3ere are no real rules here – any and all sharing of blue inspiration creates a joyful ripple effect.
Most importantly – have fun!
Here are three awesome videos from Bron and Christina who created Undercurrents Film (Bron is now one of our certified #bluehealthcoach community)…
I hope these inspire you:
Undercurrents Film VIDEO 3 (below)
All Going Coastal Blue: Blue Health Coaching and Training Experiences incorporate applied Blue Health and Blue Mind… Get in touch to discover how neuro-conservation and real-time, real-space environmental psychology can help you to adopt a more analogue approach to life and express yourself with greater fluidity.
#liquidontology #existanalogue #littoralwisdom #bluehealthcoach