Seas The Day – Become a Blue Health Coach

2nd January, 2024

Blue Health Coach Training is creating waves within the ICF professional Coach community.

The tide is turning…  Never before has there been such focus on making ecologically sound decisions…

The health of our planet, social and psychological constructs is at stake, as Coaches we have work to do, and an invaluable resource in our wild water.  Whether ocean or stream, the insight we can facilitate through working in partnership with our blue space can foster a deep sense of reciprocity.

We need our ocean and our ocean needs us, it is a “relationship” and as Blue Health Coaches we will work with our clients to promote progressive outcomes within truly healthy ecosystems.

I am so excited about the Blue Health Coach Training Programmes I have been running in Cornwall since Feb 2020. We have a growing community of professional Blue Health advocates transforming their coaching practice and bringing the environment to the forefront of their Coach / Client conversations. Out at the coast (or inland wild water) our clients are encouraged to develop lifestyles and businesses with purpose beyond acquisition and profit. Wellness and wellbeing take on a new definition where collective health extends beyond an individual incorporating people and place.

The first courses of their kind these Blue Health Coach programmes have been filled with coaches and change-makers who already have healthy track records in their fields, who demonstrate a love of the ocean and are ready to make a commitment to lead this Coaching modality, bringing applied environmental psychology to their work.

As the developer of this program and facilitator of the course, attendees benefit from practical insights gained professionally Coastal Coaching since Jan 2009, in addition to discoveries made through broader Blue Health research.

Coaching, as a practical methodology, is about the “so what, now what”.  Science is bringing us so much more data year on year to validate the health benefits of time in Blue Space, however, the rubber hits the road (or in this case the wave hits the shore) at the point of being able to apply awareness.

True wisdom when it comes to applying any environmental psychology lies within the elegant relationship we create with the space in which which we work as Coaches – and herein lies subtlety and nuance.  This training dives deeply into the magic beyond (and within) blue health facts and statistics.

This course enables professional Coaches to facilitate remarkable and profound discussions and insight, working in partnership with blue “spaces and places”.

Learn more about Blue Health Coach Training

Hear me chatting with fellow coach and good friend Lulu Minns about Blue Health HERE

Discover how you can join one of these programs

Find out more about the Blue Health Coaching Training and discover how you can join this course HERE

About Lizzi Larbalestier

Professional Blue Health Coach, mBIT and NLP trainer specialising in coastal coaching. Creating meaningful conversations, facilitating action and change for the results that you deserve. #bluehealthcoach #oceanempathy #bluemind