Who is the YOU that THIS is not?
10th October, 2015
It is just NOT ME… its just not IN ME?
Ok… So who IS the you that this is not?
And if it is indeed the case that THIS is not you…
Which version of YOU is this?
How many times have you come across somebody who is absolutely passionate about a goal, but for some reason dis-identifies with being the person to gain the outcome? They find disconnect between what they want and who they perceive themselves to be.
Professional Coaches have many approaches we can use to make the links more evident and navigable in order for our clients to move forwards for instance…
- Checking motivation and values
- Addressing limiting beliefs and internal conflict
- Seeing the situation and outcome from different perspectives
- Removing conditioned thinking patterns
- Creating positive anchors
- Making the goal more well formed and robust
- Breaking it down into manageable plans
- Looking at personality and systemic implications
The list goes on… and whilst all of these are highly effective and appropriate in a wide variety of situations, “its not me” is possibly one area of coaching where mBIT is clearly a great place to start…
You see mBIT is totally different from other coaching methodologies and complements these through asking deeper level questions to ensure that when “A to B” goals are set, they are the ones that make a real difference to the coaching client’s sense of contribution to the world – and more importantly their actual contribution.
For example if I were to ask a question such as: “Who is the you that this goal at this moment in time matters to most?” many people would consider that to be a random question… too deep perhaps… navel gazing… too abstract… not action orientated…
But think about it for a moment. The answer to this question matters!
How often do we really consider where the idea or desire has come from within us? Why this idea right now and where the manifestation of the actions associated with the desire we hold will eventually lead at their widest reach?
We miss the bigger picture… Instead we merrily head off creating mini empires with foundations built from beliefs that we have control… and conversely that we are also powerless (and randomly these two beliefs often co-exist simultaneously). For the record: I believe in reality it is more likely that we are neither in control nor powerless – if we consider for example that even time is a construct that we both use to our advantage and make ourselves prisoners of.
But back to the point (and there is one)…
When intending to make progressive change too often a “plan, do, review” model fails to address the need to equip ourselves and our clients, friends and family with the capability to connect with our wisest selves.
mBIT approaches enable discovery of new insights about how we are self-identifying moment to moment. Aligning the neurology of head, heart, gut and wider nervous system through mBraining we begin to know ourselves and the world in a very different way…
And this is exciting because this is the zone of generative wisdom… When the way that we know things changes and our sense of self alters there is a space created for us to consider (and take) purposeful, meaningful action… after all wouldn’t you rather make truly intelligent choices that have a point?
Marvin Oka when describing the impact of aligning and expressing our inner wisdom, uses the term “the world is better because you showed up”
Now that is a pretty cool goal to aspire to I think. Imagine if that were the benchmark for our more significant choices / decisions… “Will the world be a better place?…” yes / no?
Maybe it is time to start aligning our intentions with a true awareness in order to make compassionate choices, release creative insights and take courageous actions. If you are ready for some personal discovery at a whole new level – I would invite you to embrace mBIT.
As a Coach I use a range of positive psychology and applied neuroscience working within Blue Space. The heuristic nature of mBraining (mBIT) makes it a complementary model enabling this deeper enquiry. Get curious – It might very well be time to evolve your Ontology!